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        Found 5 Results


        (Fixed )

        A platform will be created where business ideas will be shared, which will be patented and the investors who are attracted to the idea will…

        • Expiry:

          902 Days left

        • Proposals

          0 Received

        (Fixed )

        I have developed a innovative charging adapter for cell phones/ EV cars, bikes on which runs on battery (could be electric car, cell phone or…

        • Expiry:

          853 Days left

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          0 Received
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        (Fixed )

        AERO SAIL project As there is a great demand for green technology in shipping industry, especially when European Commission is going to impose higher taxes…

        • Expiry:

          414 Days left

        • Proposals

          0 Received
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        (Fixed )

        we need an essayist that can compose 10 interesting weight reduction articles, around 1000 words each. Authors need to comprehend the item/supplement prior to composing…

        • Expiry:


        • Proposals

          0 Received
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        (Hourly )

        Fabricate a 3D liveliness of 35 seconds I need somebody who can make a site like a study bhandar. New people can likewise get this…

        • Expiry:

          Never Expire

        • Proposals

          0 Received

        Ready To Get Started